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The weather is warming up and everyone is thinking V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. Don’t be the employer who struggles with getting timely notices on vacations and coordinating them amongst multiple staff people.
Take action now to assure your company and employees communicate early and clearly about vacation time and expectations:
– Repost the company vacation policy and holiday schedule. Be clear about paid and unpaid vacation according to employee employment status. Offer to assist employees who are unsure of their status/available vacation.
– Have vacation request forms available for employees to access. Include a reminder concerning the time period for requests. For example, “Requests must be submitted by the 15th of the month to be considered for the following month.” Note when employees can expect an answer to their requests.
– Post company vacation blackout dates. Project managers and superintendents need to look ahead on their schedules to note critical path dates that may need all hands on deck or specific project teams on the job. Example: “Vacation time unavailable during the week of X due to a big concrete pour”; or, “No vacations during the last two weeks of October during project close out.”
With summer on the doorstep and hunting season close behind, get the company vacation schedule squared away and enjoy the weather!
EctoHR, Inc. is here for your company EctoHR, Inc. is ready to assist your company with HR concerns such as vacation policies. Contact a team member at EctoHR by calling 810.534.0170, or by email to