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Make your email and smart phone work for you

Wish you could manage your time more efficiently, and with less frustration?

Randy Dean, the obsessed time & technology guy, will bring his energy and insight to a client training workshop sponsored by EctoHR, Inc. on March 19, 2013. The training session is being provided at no cost to EctoHR clients as a value-added benefit.

The event will be held in Novi at the MSU Tollgate Education Conference Center, 28115 Meadowbrook Road, beginning with networking and breakfast at 7:30 a.m. The program will run from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Find those extra hours

Dean will explain ways to improve team efficiency through efficient business communication tools and general time management tips and tricks. Uncover a precious hour extra in your day! Learn the proven methods for getting your email to ‘zero’ at the end of the day – every day. Make your Smartphone work smarter for you, not harder. Use Outlook? Learn to use it like you stole it!

Steve Williams, President of EctoHR, Inc., has experienced the value of these workshops time and again and encourages all to attend. “Having personally attended multiple Randy Dean training sessions in the past, as well as witnessed some of your email inboxes, I know that our clients will benefit from the training!”


Interested? Please RSVP Kim BeDen at EctoHR at 810.534.0170, or send an email tokim@

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bigger picture?

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