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What you say is only part of the message

EctoHR, Inc. presented Livingston County professionals with a brush-up on effective communication. Steve Williams, President of EctoHR, Inc., and Christy Conn, Director of HR, delivered the presentation in mid-January. Attendees included team members from The Buckley Jolley Real Estate Team and Body Within Personal Training.

In order for communication to be effective, Steve and Christy reinforced the need for feedback that is:

– Sensitive to the situation

– Timely

– Specific

– Descriptive

– Helpful

The EctoHR professionals reminded participants that verbal communication accounts for only a small portion of the message being delivered. Like it or not, it is the non-verbal messages and body language that do the bulk of the communicating, intentionally or not.

To make sure your message is being received correctly, or that you are receiving a message correctly, always remember that:

– Words account for only 15% of the message being delivered

– Non-Verbal clues, such as tone and volume, account for 40%

– Body language accounts for 45%

This means that 85% of communication is non-verbal, a fact that surprised many of the attendees!

This information goes for both business and home situations. If you disagree, try these tips with your colleague, child, or significant other the next time you need to deliver a message – and see how it goes!

For more information on effective communication, contact the EctoHR, Inc. professionals at 810.534.0170 or send an email to

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